White Chocolate Chips Cupcakes With Strawberry Cream Cheese



White chocolate and strawberries are a match made in Heaven! Honestly. Add some cream cheese to it and you want to eat them all at once. We did…..




I made a light basic vanilla cupcake batch with added white chocolate chips. I love to use my vanilla cake recipe because you can add whatever flavor to it before baking. It could be chocolate chips or fresh fruits or different extracts instead of vanilla.







To make the frosting for this recipe, first I reduced 250 g of fresh strawberries to a puree, meaning that I cooked the strawberries on the stove without sugar for about 30-35 minutes stirring continuously until the water evaporated and I was left with a concentrated strawberry puree. This way you get rid of all the excess liquid from the fruit and you are left with concentrated strawberry flavor. It is more intense and will not soften your icing too much.




Whip the Mascarpone cream cheese with the reduced strawberry puree adding icing sugar to meet your preferred sweetness, and when all combined and smooth add the double cream gradually mixing at high speed until you reach a piping consistency.




Ingredients :
-1 cup of sugar
-125 g unsalted butter (room temperature)
-2 eggs
-2 tsp Vanilla extract
-1 tsp baking powder
-1 + 1/3 cup flour
-1/3 cup milk
-100 g white chocolate chips
-250 g cream cheese (I like to use Mascarpone)
-pinch of salt
-icing sugar (according to your personal taste)
-strawberry puree
-300 ml double cream
-few drops pink food color (optional)


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